Squirrels Sapping Maple Syrup Production

If you are from New England, March is a rough month. Daylight savings time – sacrificing an hour of sleep so you can wake up in the dark, temperature fluctuations that make wardrobe choices impossible, freak snow storms, potholes that can swallow your vehicle whole, mud, mud, mud and more mud are just some of the things that make it the feel like the longest month in the year.  One redeeming quality of this third month on themaple-syrup-season calendar, however, is the amber nectar that is produced by collection and boiling of gallons and gallons of sugar maple tree sap. In Maine we even have an entire Sunday set aside to celebrate all things maple syrupy.

But, this year, even the sweet stuff is coming under attack from nature. Abundant and hungry squirrels are wreaking havoc on maple syrup production equipment, chewing through sap lines and damaging equipment necessitating expensive and inconvenient repairs for syrup producers. “That means producers must go out into sometimes deep snow to find and replace the damaged lines that transport the sap from the maple trees or other chewed or missing equipment, which producers say can be time-consuming and expensive.” https://bangordailynews.com/2019/03/15/news/new-england/squirrels-are-damaging-some-maple-syrup-operations/

Thankfully, the problem solvers at predatorpee.com have developed a comprehensive natural solution to this pesky problem being faced by an industry already heavily effected by weather fluctuations and a limited harvesting season.

PredatorPee® SquirrelScentry Kit keeps squirrels away from sap lines and other Sap-line-SquirrelScentry-bannerproduction equipment by triggering nature’s own squirrel-frightening fear reaction using both scent and sight deterrents. The kit features PredatorPee® SquirrelStopper  an exclusive blend of the urine of fox and coyote, the squirrels’ most feared predators and the life-like PeeCoy Coyote Decoy visual deterrent.

For more information on this and other natural deterrents, visit www.predatorpee.com or contact the PeeMan himself at Ask-the-peeman@predatorpee.com

How to Get Rid of Ants

It probably comes at no surprise to you that ants are the #1 nuisance pest in America.

13406001511715314493ant-hiSo by the time you see a few crawling on top of your kitchen counter,
you can be pretty sure that there are a whole lot more lurking around out of sight.

The first important step in getting rid of ants is to get rid of the things that attract ants. Ants just love the scent of sugar and grease, so be sure to clean up spills, splashes and crumbs as quickly as you can.

 Because ants are team players, they have scout ants that go out and look for food then leave a microscopic pheromone scent trail to the food source for their buddies to follow.

So you don’t only have to remove the food source, you also need to disrupt
the scent trail or other ants will just keep coming looking for food where it once was.

Our PeeMan-approved AntStopper ant repellent products from PredatorPee.com® is an all-natural blend of essential oils
and fragrances that disrupts the scent trail, stops the ant parade and gets rid of ants for good.

AntStopper is easy to use, all-natural, non-toxic and safe to use around pets and children.

Does PredatorPee® Really Work? – What the Scientists Say.

science-teacherOver the past 30+ years of our PredatorPee® business life, one of the most frequently asked questions is “does it work?”  It is an understandable question. After all, for decades we have been conditioned to think that man-made chemicals are the only solution for pest control. The idea that natural wild animal urine could work prevent deer damage, get rid of skunks, solve rat problems etc. was just plain weird!

So after PredatorPee® introduced predator urine into the marketplace as pest control product in 1986, researchers around the world started looking into how and why PredatorPee® worked.  What they found in research was the same as what we found in practice, PredatorPee® takes nature’s predator/prey instincts and puts them to work for us to repel pests in our homes, yards, gardens and farms. Here are some excerpts:


“Introduction of bobcat urine appeared to have significant effect on their preference in first two trials. The data consisted of the total trial investigations of reaction towards the predator’s urine. When bobcat’s urine was introduced in the maze, mice went straight to the left side where no odour was present. This allowed me to assume that they do recognize possible danger. The data showed 100% refusal to go right where the urine was located.”

The effects of Bobcat urine on the behavior of Mice ,
Karina Chechilnitskaya, Alverno College, Wisconsin


“The mean level of damage recorded for apple tree stems treated with undiluted bobcat urine was significantly lower than for any other treatment group. Mean damage to seedlings treated with urine was significantly less than the damage to control seedlings. For woodchucks, undiluted urine resulted in reductions in gnawing of 84-96%…”

National Wildlife Research Center Repellents

Conference 1995


ScienceDaily (Apr. 27, 2008) — Many animal species detect and avoid predators by smell, but this ability has largely been ignored in the study of birds, since it was traditionally thought that they did not make use of this sense. However, it has now been discovered that birds are not only capable of discerning their enemies through chemical signals, but that they also alter their behaviour depending on the perceived level of risk of predation.


“Predator urines act as powerful repellents against many species of mammalian herbivores.Consequently, they have considerable potential as a tool in reducing damage to agricultural crops.”

National Wildlife Research Center Repellents

Conference 1995


“Undiluted red fox urine was more effective at deterring browsing by snowshoe hares than were single compounds or simple mixtures derived from the urine”

Sullivan and Crump 1986.



“Meadow voles spent significantly less time on the half of the trial arena treated with bobcat urine….A traditional explanation for aversion of prey to areas treated with predator scent is that it is an adaptive behavioral response to reduce the risk of predation by minimizing activity in an area known to be frequented by a predator. The majority of prey species tested to date respond to predator urine in ways that are most easily explained as antipredator strategies…”

National Wildlife Research Center Repellents

Conference 1995

“The Talkeetna moose seem more fearful than other Alaskan moose …. a finding strengthened when Berger, using a pitching arm honed by college baseball, starts hurling snowballs loaded with wolf urine and bear scat. He observes that moose familiar with predators flee from the odors….”

The Better to Eat You With: Fear in the Animal World Joel Berger
University of Chicago Press, 2008.


“Feeding by deer on corn treated with coyote urine was significantly reduced.”

Professor Stanley Ries,
Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University

Spiders Creeping You Out? Finally A Natural Solution.

multi-spider-silhouette-backgroundSpiders – you either automatically think of Charlotte’s Web and appreciate their beauty and their innate ability to create intricate webs or your mind flashes to scenes from Arachnaphobia and you run away screaming in disgust. There really is no neutral ground. If you are in the first category, then this article is not for you. You go enjoy the dark corners filled with webs, the gigantic arachnids living under your deck or dock and the occasional eight legged arthropod that wants to join you in the shower.

For the rest of you(and me), living in fear of the next unexpected spider encounter in your home or outside recreational area, there is finally a solution. What I love about this particular product is that it is natural, safe for use around pets and only needs to be applied weekly. NEW SpiderGuard from the makers of PredatorPee is one of the additions in our new line of insect products. And no, they are not urine products, so no fear about making your kitchen smell like a bobcat or wolf marked its territory.

The unique formula in SpiderGuard takes advantage of the special bristles spiders have on their legs that allow them to smell and “taste.” They just don’t like it and they want to get far away!

SpiderGuard is an all-natural, effective way to get rid of spiders for good. Just spray the areas where you don’t want them once a week until your spider problem is gone. This all-natural spider repellent spray is safe for use inside and outside and will not harm pets. You can use SpiderGuard in attics, basements, sheds, decks, spider-guarddocks, boats, RVs, bathrooms and anywhere else you don’t want spiders.

I took some with me camping recently at Peaks Kenny State Park and sprayed it underneath the wooden picnic table. I enjoyed a week free from daddy long legs crawling on me during supper. Plus, unlike some of our other products, it smells great too. Try some out, you won’t be disappointed.  100% PeeMan Approved!

Stop Deer Flies Now!

deerflyI can’t tell you how many times I have been working on a project outside in the summer months, focused and sweaty when all of a sudden I feel that jabbing, stinging pain that only a deer fly can produce. Immediately, the site swells up and unless I happened to be quick enough to swat it mid bite, it will be back …again and again!

But you don’t have to take my personal experience as the only evidence of how miserable these biting flies can be . . .

“The bites of female . . . deer flies are painful and, if numerous enough, can disrupt recreational activities and even the harvesting of some agricultural crops. Their mouthparts include two pairs of cutting “blades” that lacerate skin and cause flow of blood out of the wound, which females lap up with a sponge-like mouthpart. Males have similar, but much weaker mouthparts. They are not capable of biting and do not feed on blood.” https://extension.entm.purdue.edu/publichealth/insects/tabanid.html

Don’t just take my word for it . . . the proof is in the pudding(or the video)as they say.

So, what to do about this problem? Traditional repellents like those containing DEET just don’t do the job. Deer flies, unlike mosquitoes, are not just attracted by CO2 but they are also enticed by movement, size, shape and dark color. This pretty much means that a moving human outside is a perfect target. Thankfully, The PeeMan has an answer! NEW DeerFly Stoppers make it possible for hikers, runners, boaters, bikers, those who work outdoors to beat the biting nuisances at their own game. Simply apply one of the adhesive strips to the back of a hat and you’re good to go. The flies can’t resist the flesh-colored deer fly trap – they land, they’re stuck, they’re done.

Don’t let deer flies ruin your summer outdoor recreation and work. Get some DeerFly Stoppers now. I know I will be using them this summer and my wife will be sure to use them on her vacation running in the woods of Maine.

Does Coyote Urine Really Work?

Thirty-five years ago the PeeMan probably would have asked the same question. But since 1986, our PredatorPee customers have answered with a resounding yes! Does it work 100% of the time? No. But remember we are dealing with wild animals so a lot of variables come into play. Out of curiosity, the PeeMan looked back over the last 10 years since we started keeping track of things in more detail. It was interesting. We of course offer our 100% “We Make it Work or We make it Right” Guarantee so or records keep track of  how many people we refunded money to over the last 10 years.guarantee4141

Over the last 10 years, we have averaged a 1.47% return rate. That means that PredatorPee worked 98.53% of the time.  This is how a return would come about; if someone found Coyote urine or one of our other urines not working, we would first try to assist them by sending them another urine “flavor” to try at no charge, and if that still didn’t work, we refund all of their money. So we sent refunds to 1.47% of our customers.

We don’t know anyone else that offers the kind of guarantee that we do. But it is the kind of guarantee the PeeMan would like to have when he buys stuff. We wanted our customers to know that when they buy from us, we will do everything we can to solve their pest problem or we will just simply make it right.

In the wild animals behavior is largely motivated by survival. The need to eat, to avoid predators and to find a mate. The sense of smell is the communication vehicle that helps an animal make decisions. For example is an animal’s hunger so extreme, will it risk encountering a predator in order to get the food it needs to survive? Things like that may or may not be going on in your backyard, so predicting an animal’s response to Predator Pee is not always a 100% sure thing….but it is a 98.53% sure thing.

That’s why we have our 100% “We Make it Work or We make it Right” Guarantee, after all, if a product worked every single time without fail, why would you need a guarantee?

Thanks for visiting our website and the PeeMan would love to have you as a customer.


How to Get Rid of Wild Pigs?

The PeeMan has a Few Thoughts on that….and so do our Customers!

“I am a returning customer. Your product worked really, really well for me last summer and the javelinas are back now …. time to restock! Thanks for the help…”
Stephanie – Mayer, AZ

“My housemate goes online and discovers the PredatorPee.com website. The website says that mountain lion pee is guaranteed to drive off javelinas, as well as wild boar. I immediately place an order online….Several months later, I can report that no plant-plundering pigs have returned to my property. Elated with success!”

Gabriela – Hawaii

From Japan to Spain to Mexico and the USA, wild pigs are a huge problem. They haven’t made it to Maine where the PeeMan lives and from what he hears from our customers, he’s awful glad about that! Those nasty, ugly critters are just plain bad news!

But, thankfully they have a predator that they fear. The mountain lion, known by different names in different places like cougar and panther, is the natural predator of wild hogs.  Use PredatorPee® Mountain Lion Pee to repel wild pigs, feral hogs and javelina. The scent of mountain lion urine alerts these wild pigs and hogs that danger is near. Their instinctive reaction is to flee the danger. When you use PredatorPee® Mountain lion Pee liquid 100%  mountain lion urine, you are putting nature’s warning system to work for you. Use in conjunction with our ScentTags or 33Day Dispensers to create a scent barrier that keeps the javelina and wild hogs out!

Just in case those pigs start thinking about moving north, the PeeMan is considering setting up a giant mountain lionpee-rimeter down near the Kittery Bridge on the New Hampshire border to keep those critters outta Maine!

Want to Know How to Get Rid of Rats? Ask the Peeman, like Kathryn did

Rats hanging out in cars and eating essential parts is a common enough problem in the District of Columbia. As City Desk previously chronicled, it happens in Adams Morgan. It happens at 15th and U. Kathryn Kailian, anesthetician who lives in Dupont Circle, had to take her car in six times for service because of rat damage. At one point, she submitted a claim for the $1,200 her dealership charged to completely re-wire her vehicle. “Our insurance company dropped us,” she says.

Fed up, Kailian Googled for solutions and found PredatorPee Coyote Pee. She ordered a bottle of it on the Internet, sprayed it on her engine, and hasn’t had a problem since. One bottle will last her “for years” since she only spritzes every few months. The smell dissipates pretty quickly and the rats have left her alone, despite the fact that she parks in an alley with Dumpsters filled by Five Guys, Chipotle, Cosi, and other delicious-to-rats restaurants.” Posted by Jule Banville < WashingtonCityPaper.com/blog on Feb. 6, 2009 at 10:26 am


You always know when you have rats. You know – you go down in the basement and turn on the light and you see just the flick of black cord-like tail disappear in a dark corner. Or you see the ugly droppings or you spot one burrowing in the chicken feed. No matter whether they are city rats, roof rats, country rats, Norway rats or whatever you call them in your neck of the woods, you just want them GONE!

The PeeMan to the rescue! PredatorPee Coyote Pee will get rid of the rats- it is as simple as that!

Here is what you do:

To Keep Rats Out of Buildings:  Use liquid CoyotePee in our 12 or 16 ounce bottles in conjunction with our ScentTags or 33Day Dispensers.  Just fill the dispensers or spray the tags and hang on the provided wooden stakes every 10-12’ around the outside of the foundation.

To Get Rats Out: Use our specially designed “pee-loaded” CoyotePeeShots. Just take off the caps and place in those dark corners that rats love – like under the sink or anywhere you have seen droppings.

To Keep Rats out of Your Car: Use PeeShots placed by each tire and in the engine compartment while the vehicle is parked.


Thanks to the help of our customers, we found that when it comes to Pee, rats hate CoyotePee. We don’t know exactly why they fear coyotes more than any other predator, but we know they do because our customers say so. Our Pee customers tell us what works, and the PeeMan listens and develops the pee products the people need in order to take care of their problem. It’s that simple.

One of the PeeMan’s Favorite Questions: How to get rid of cats?

feralcatsThe PeeMan is not a big cat fan so I take particular interest when someone asks “How to get rid of feral and domestic cats or keep cats out .” That’s an easy one – use PredatorPee® Wolf Urine – There is nothing more disgusting than finding that neighborhood cats have been using your prize garden for a litter box! The PeeMan would really hate that! Now you can repel cats effectively and naturally with PredatorPee® Wolf Pee liquid or Yard Cover Shakin’ Flake Granules. A cat’s fear of a wolf is imprinted deep in its genetic code. When they smell wolf urine, it triggers the instinct to avoid or flee serious danger. Even if a cat has never seen a wolf in its life, the genetic life-and-death warning code of the wild is always on alert! First make sure that all food sources are gone. A really hungry cat might risk an encounter with a wolf to get to that bowl of Purina dog chow on your deck. So take away the temptation first then create a “pee-rimeter” around your flowers and vegetables using Wolf Pee Liquid in 12 oz or 16 oz bottles along with our ScentTags or 33Day All-Weather Dispensers. Or shake out our Shakin’ Flakes right on the ground around individual plants. When the cats smell the PredatorPee® Wolf Urine, they know that the rest room is closed!


“A couple of years ago, I was looking for a way to keep cats out of my garden

and I found you. And wolf urine has worked good to keep the cats out. Thanks!”

NEWSFLASH: Using Wolf Urine Works to Deter Coyotes – KTVN 2 News

gray-wolf-head-canis-lupus-436x544Of course we’ve known our 100% Wolf Pee is an effective deterrent against coyotes for years, but it is always nice to have some independent confirmation. Check out this story from a local tv station in the Reno-Sparks, NV area – and don’t worry it is not FAKE NEWS.

“There are a few ways to deter wildlife from coming onto your property. Here in Reno-Sparks, many are trying to keep coyotes out of their yards.

Wolf urine is one of the most widely-used deterrents in our area, according to Michael Beran, Owner and Operator of Wildlife Command Center. Beran says that’s in part because people can order it online and in large amounts.

So how does it work? It plays off of their animal instincts. Bill Chamberlain, Director of the United States Wolf Refuge in Reno, says, “Their sense of smell, their sense of hearing is so intuitive, that the scent of wolf urine lays out the scent of an adversary.” Beran adds, “That instinct is very, very effective against a female coyote, especially one that’s thinking about, or is, denning.”

Therefore, if the coyote lurking around your home is a female, then wolf urine would likely do the trick. But, when it comes to the male, especially urban coyotes like we see in our area, it likely won’t be effective. Beran explains, “He’s never experienced the wolf, so he doesn’t know the threat, and so he’s just not as afraid.”

However, if your curiosity is piqued and you’re looking for a non-lethal option to keep coyotes at bay, you may think it’s worth the try–especially if you’re unsure if it’s a male or female coyote, or perhaps both, near your neighborhood.

If you do try it, Beran says the application process is important.  Always squirt the product on a fence or pole–above the height of your knee. He explains, “The higher that lift is, the bigger an animal thinks that predator is. Apply the urine to all major posts or fences along your yard, similar to a wolf marking its territory.

Now for the million dollar question: How do companies collect the urine?

It comes from wolves living in preserves and kennels with special flooring. Those floors have collection troughs underneath, so when they urinate, it goes into that trough, where manufacturers are able to collect and process it.

Beran says, if raccoons are your problem, wolf urine is a completely effective deterrent in that case.

We’d like to point out that the U.S. Wolf Refuge in Reno shown in this story does not collect their wolves’ urine. PredatorPee is one of many wolf urine sellers available online. To check them out, click here.

If you’d like to learn more about the refuge, which houses more than a dozen wolves and runs completely off of donations, click here.

To learn more about coyote removal efforts and prevention, click here. ”

By Elizabeth Olveda


(As an aside, our long term experience with the predator-prey instinct principle has demonstrated time and again that the fear is instinctual and not based on exposure to the predator, therefore, in this case,  the wolf urine works to deter both male and female coyotes)

Until I find more words(my own or others’) . . .The PeeMan