Squirrels Sapping Maple Syrup Production

If you are from New England, March is a rough month. Daylight savings time – sacrificing an hour of sleep so you can wake up in the dark, temperature fluctuations that make wardrobe choices impossible, freak snow storms, potholes that can swallow your vehicle whole, mud, mud, mud and more mud are just some of the things that make it the feel like the longest month in the year.  One redeeming quality of this third month on themaple-syrup-season calendar, however, is the amber nectar that is produced by collection and boiling of gallons and gallons of sugar maple tree sap. In Maine we even have an entire Sunday set aside to celebrate all things maple syrupy.

But, this year, even the sweet stuff is coming under attack from nature. Abundant and hungry squirrels are wreaking havoc on maple syrup production equipment, chewing through sap lines and damaging equipment necessitating expensive and inconvenient repairs for syrup producers. “That means producers must go out into sometimes deep snow to find and replace the damaged lines that transport the sap from the maple trees or other chewed or missing equipment, which producers say can be time-consuming and expensive.” https://bangordailynews.com/2019/03/15/news/new-england/squirrels-are-damaging-some-maple-syrup-operations/

Thankfully, the problem solvers at predatorpee.com have developed a comprehensive natural solution to this pesky problem being faced by an industry already heavily effected by weather fluctuations and a limited harvesting season.

PredatorPee® SquirrelScentry Kit keeps squirrels away from sap lines and other Sap-line-SquirrelScentry-bannerproduction equipment by triggering nature’s own squirrel-frightening fear reaction using both scent and sight deterrents. The kit features PredatorPee® SquirrelStopper  an exclusive blend of the urine of fox and coyote, the squirrels’ most feared predators and the life-like PeeCoy Coyote Decoy visual deterrent.

For more information on this and other natural deterrents, visit www.predatorpee.com or contact the PeeMan himself at Ask-the-peeman@predatorpee.com