Tips for the Pee-clipse

With the solar eclipse today it was also time for the PeeMan to make a rare appearance. I recently discovered that Winterberry Farm is directly in the path of the total solar eclipse, which gave me a few new unique and useful product ideas. I think we should begin marketing these products immediately, but my ideas have met with some resistance from marketing. I can’t figure out why.

A personal favorite are my Pee-clipse Glasses, an innovative new take on traditional eclipse glasses that include yellow-tinted lenses and feature pictures of urinating predators on the sides. We will also offer an option to have the yellow tint come from real urine, with an additional surcharge. You can choose which predator you want to have pee on them and we will include free nose plugs for your comfort and convenience. Make your mark on the world of style!

Another eclipse-themed product that has been ruthlessly stifled by the marketing department is our Pee-clipse Place Protector, or the Triple Pee as I like to call it, for when you want to keep people off that perfect eclipse-viewing spot. Just spray our included Skunk Essence on some of our new sun-shaped scent tags and hang them around your ideal eclipse spot to ensure a clear (or yellow-tinted) view of the solar eclipse! Warning: you may want to hold your breath while viewing the eclipse because your spot will reek of skunk. The total eclipse is about 4 minutes long, but I think you can make it.

Lastly, I believe that the Path of Totali-Pee Kit would be an absolute success. It includes everything you need for your trip to watch the eclipse. Since you never know what you might run into at those rest-stops, I decided to include 5 sample sized urines for your protection, as well as a belt holster so you can keep them close for ready access. It pays to be Pee-pared! I also included a catalog you can read to your children and friends during those long hours in the car, one of our Brimmers in case you run into some bad weather up North, and some aerosolized Raccoon Pee if you need a more aggressive defense of your perfect eclipse spot. From the screams I’ve heard coming from the production room when anyone spills Raccoon Pee, I figure it’s one of the most potent, and would be ideal for spraying at people who get too close!

Marketing claims that encouraging people to read a catalog out loud to people who can’t escape is a violation of the Geneva Convention and the Constitution, but I am more concerned with the fact that the catalog apparently has a PG-13 rating. I tried to explain to them that animals aren’t supposed to wear clothes, but evidently that doesn’t matter. They also said attacking people for getting too close to your eclipse spot is illegal, but I think I can wear them down. Maybe I’ll get these products out by the next eclipse.

If you want to see the unique and useful products that DID make it past marketing and legal, follow this link to our website:

Good luck finding that perfect spot.

-The PeeMan

How to keep ticks off you

Everyone knows that ticks are a real problem. Ticks are major carriers of Lyme disease and they transmit the disease when they burrow into your skin.tick icon

So, the question is:
“How do I keep ticks from getting on me?”
For years, in Maine, where the PeeMan lives, ticks were not really a problem. But, in the last 10 years, the tick invasion has continued to creep northward. In fact, the PeeMan regularly finds ticks on his golden retrievers, Zeke and Jack. So, as is normally the case, this got him to thinking. Of course, people do soak their clothes in tick repellent and then wear those clothes whenever they go into the woods. But, what if you don’t want to soak your clothes in permethrin? Or what if you don’t want to wear the same clothes in the woods all the time? I mean, the squirrels might start to talk.

Well, after some trial and error, he came up with a solution!  Tick’r Tape is a complete tick prevention kit that gives you everything you need to keep ticks off all in one convenient package.tick-r-tape

The kit includes:
 1 can of “PeeMan Approved” Tick-killing Permethrin Spray
 2 Stretchable & Absorbent Tick’r Tape Wrist Bands
 2 Stretchable, Adjustable & Absorbent Tick’r Tape Leg Bands

Because primarily ticks gain access your skin through your shirt sleeves and pant legs, our Tick’rTape Tick Bands, treated with our Permethrin Spray not only stops ticks from getting on your skin by sealing your sleeves or pant legs, but the Permethrin treatment kills on-contact those ticks that try!

And you can pair the Tick’r Tape with the outfit of your choice – today the blaze orange flannel, tomorrow the denim button up. If you are out and about in tick country, our Tick’r Tape is for you.

Does Coyote Urine Really Work?

Thirty-five years ago the PeeMan probably would have asked the same question. But since 1986, our PredatorPee customers have answered with a resounding yes! Does it work 100% of the time? No. But remember we are dealing with wild animals so a lot of variables come into play. Out of curiosity, the PeeMan looked back over the last 10 years since we started keeping track of things in more detail. It was interesting. We of course offer our 100% “We Make it Work or We make it Right” Guarantee so or records keep track of  how many people we refunded money to over the last 10 years.guarantee4141

Over the last 10 years, we have averaged a 1.47% return rate. That means that PredatorPee worked 98.53% of the time.  This is how a return would come about; if someone found Coyote urine or one of our other urines not working, we would first try to assist them by sending them another urine “flavor” to try at no charge, and if that still didn’t work, we refund all of their money. So we sent refunds to 1.47% of our customers.

We don’t know anyone else that offers the kind of guarantee that we do. But it is the kind of guarantee the PeeMan would like to have when he buys stuff. We wanted our customers to know that when they buy from us, we will do everything we can to solve their pest problem or we will just simply make it right.

In the wild animals behavior is largely motivated by survival. The need to eat, to avoid predators and to find a mate. The sense of smell is the communication vehicle that helps an animal make decisions. For example is an animal’s hunger so extreme, will it risk encountering a predator in order to get the food it needs to survive? Things like that may or may not be going on in your backyard, so predicting an animal’s response to Predator Pee is not always a 100% sure thing….but it is a 98.53% sure thing.

That’s why we have our 100% “We Make it Work or We make it Right” Guarantee, after all, if a product worked every single time without fail, why would you need a guarantee?

Thanks for visiting our website and the PeeMan would love to have you as a customer.


Pee – It’s Not a Business, It’s a Calling for the PeeMan

Did you ever wonder why someone would get in the Pee Business? The PeeMan certainly has! Did the PeeMan when asked in childhood “what do you want to be when you grow up,” say: I want to sell Pee to people around the world?

If he did, I am sure there would have been therapy for that.

No, the PeeMan did not choose to be in the Pee business, it was chosen for him and he was made for it.

You see the PeeMan was educated to be a journalist, but having a job was not very appealing. The entrepreneurial spark was ignited early. It was once written that the definition of an entrepreneur was someone who would do almost anything to avoid getting a job. That is the PeeMan.

The PeeMan left college before graduation to be a journalist but did not want a job. So he started his own weekly newspaper at the age of 20 and at the age of 20 and a half, the PeeMan’s newspaper was broke. But in those 6 months, he learned where the money was and next launched a free-lance ad agency, which lead to a partnership in a real ad agency, which led to his own marketing and advertising agency which led to a client that sold urine to hunters and trappers.

For that client, the future PeeMan became the voice of urine in the marketplace and the Pee prospered. He learned the qualities, characteristics and applications of pee. He learned to talk pee like nobody else. He learned it was fun. And he learned he really liked it!

Then the client put his urine business up for sale and the PeeMan did not want to see it go – so he bought it.  In 1986 the PeeMan had his own little pee-business selling pee to sportsmen and photographers who wanted attract animals using the scent of urine as lure.

Then everything changed. A lawn and garden store in New Hampshire called one day and wanted to buy fox urine because one of their customers wanted to use it keep rabbits out of their garden. They said that the customer had gotten some urine last season from a local trapper and that it worked really great.

It was a light bulb moment for the fledgling PeeMan. The scent and lure market for hunters and trappers was nice little niche for the small pee company, but the lawn and garden market was something else entirely!

The real pee business was calling the PeeMan! And the PeeMan answered. From that point on, the PeeMan learned that his customers were leading the way for him. They were telling him everyday where his business would go. All he had to do was listen. They would call and write with their animal pest problem and the PeeMan would go to work matching a pee to the problem. And then the customers would tell him how it worked. And on it went, in 1986 the biggest animal pest problem was deer. Now over 30 years later, it is coyotes, cats and rats and the PeeMan has the right Pee for them all!

And the Pee world gets bigger and bigger everyday – The PeeMan brings the right pee for wild boar in Japan, moose in Finland, civet cats in Israel, blue bulls in India and the list goes on and on.

Everyday the PeeMan and his family get to work using the God-created tools that keep balance in nature. We get to bring you Pee – the incredible natural communicator that animals use to avoid danger and find mates. We love telling people we are in the Pee business and thank you for being a part of it too.

PeeMan Does Homework

It has been a long time since I have had to do any homework and a fairly long time since I had to help anyone with homework. And that is fine with me – guiding three daughters through algebra and geometry was no treat. I am glad those tear soaked math papers and frustrating nights are long gone. But, recently the PeeMan has been getting requests to help broaden the minds of youth across the nation. boy doing his homeworkThat’s right – much to my wife’s disbelief – the PeeMan has been asked for homework help. Not just once either:


We are doing a school project on how to keep deer away from gardens. We were wondering if urine becomes less potent in cold weather?”
“Hi:  We are a fifth grade Robotics team who is doing a project on safely deterring raccoons from people’s yards.  We are doing the project for a competition we are entering that has a community service piece.  We are designing a motion detected spray device that would spray a scent as a deterrent to raccoons.  We have several questions about predator pee:

1) What type of predator pee would deter raccoons?
2) Would that type deter other animals too?
3) Would it have any bad effects on the environment besides smell?
4) How strong is the predator pee smell?
5) How do you get the predator pee?
6) How much does the predator pee cost?
7) Do you think it would work to spray predator pee?
8) Do you know how far pee would spray and be effective?”

These are just a couple of the requests that I have received from inquiring young minds. I am flattered of course and more than willing to educate them concerning all things pee. Just like I am willing to educate my readers. Today’s educational fact: Our predatorpee is 100% real, pure pee. Not manufactured, not synthetic, not watered down – it is the real deal.
Until I find more words. . .The PeeMan

Ask the PeeMan: California Skunks

Hi there, we live just outside of San Diego, California in a little town.  We used to smell skunks once in a while but it’s getting very bad lately.  I came across your website and I’m a little confused which predator pee is best for skunks – would you recommend the fox pee granules?   We have some plants clustered together and it seems like they like to go in there, could we just spread the granules in that area and call it good?   Although it says the granules are recommended for burrowing creatures, should they work for skunks too.  How often do you think we would need to reapply?  Anyway, any guidance would be appreciated.





Yes FoxPee Granules would work fine – skunks like to dig for grubs etc. Reapply after rain – which I understand is not so frequent in So California. Here is the link:

Ask the PeeMan: HawkStopper Questions

Wednesday is Ask the PeeMan day!

Those of you who are familiar with the blog will  remember that a couple of months ago, my company launched the HawkStopper product. For so many years, we had people asking if we had anything for birds. Well, birds don’t have much of a sense of smell, so predatorpee wasn’t the solution for them. Now predatory birds have to think twice about attacking chickens because of HawkStopper – visual deflection net.

Q. What is it made of and what is its life span?  Also, what are the length/width dimensions of the 1500 sq ft package?  Thanks! Susan


HawkStopper is made of three strands of white nylon filaments twisted together to hawkstopper-visual-deflection-logo-900form a single strand of twine with a bonded coating that keeps the netting white and flexible.  Should last at least 5 years. Here is the link:
KJ The PeeMan

Update from Winterberry Farm

Well, as you know if you have read this blog for any time, The PeeMan lives on a farm in Maine. Don’t picture mechanized agriculture or advanced animal husbandry – think more along the lines of a “hobby” farm(at least I think that’s the current lingo.) Nonetheless there are chickens and occasional pigs, a requisite old tractor, garden rows, apple trees and a pond. As for the name, well my wife won’t let me call it the PeeFarm and she loves the bright red berries that decorate the barren late autumn landscape every year so Winterberry Farm it is.roadpath2.jpg

Raspberries – now I am a bit allergic to fresh berries so I don’t quite enjoy them as much as others. My wife and daughter love them and traveled 2 hours north(yes – farther north)and dug up a friend’s excess bushes and transplanted them here. There is a patch of soil that is rather poor and all attempts at gardening this plot have met with pitiful results. So, the perfect spot for the hardy raspberry! Winterberry Raspberry Patch is born.

Chickens – I just don’t understand keeping and feeding critters all winter long and not getting a single lousy egg from them. But, my daughter wants chickens and now at least for a few months we have eggs. Eggs coming out our ears. Interestingly, our chickens tend be late morning layers. They like to take their time and enjoy the morning I guess – prima donas!

Flowers – My wife and daughter have decided to experiment with growing cut flowers. Experiment is the key word. No pressure, no expectations – that’s how my wife likes to operate. So, various beds are being prepared for planting the seedlings that have been growing at my daughter’s house. The cardinal rule in Maine is no planting before Memorial  Day and since we had a couple of nights right around freezing even this week, far be it from us to mess with the wisdom of the ages.

Spring Cleaning – perhaps this conjures up pictures of a feather duster and a few boxes filled with odds and ends destined for the thrift store. Well, you can forget that. Spring cleaning at Winterberry Farm is signaled by the arrival of a full size dumpster. And since my middle daughter is getting married what better opportunity for her to sort through all the childhood memorabilia, treasures and keepsakes that have been sitting in my storage spaces for years! Today in fact began the great purge.

Trout – Today also marked the arrival of some very special guests to Winterberry Farm. I was finally able to secure some Rainbow Trout for my pond. I took my grandson with me to pick up the 7″ beauties and most of the family watched the great release of all 50 of them into their new habitat.

Dogs – What farm is complete without dogs? Our two golden retrievers Zeke and Riley fit the bill – at least theoretically. The “stress” of laying around the house and occasional tennis ball chasing has led Riley to age prematurely. The dog is only 7 and his prescriptions cost more than mine! But, the arthritis seems to be affecting him less and he seems to be getting around better these days. Getting around is no problem whatsoever for Zeke! In fact, in the space of 24 hours this week, he managed to get into it with both a porcupine and a skunk. As you can imagine, neither he nor his people came out on the good end of that deal!

That’s all the Winterberry Farm news for now!

Until I find more words . . .The PeeMan



Ask the PeeMan: Will it hurt my dog?

I am starting up our regularly scheduled Wednesday’s Ask The PeeMan once again! This week features a question that I get frequently, so frequently in fact that I decided to include two examples. People are invariably concerned about the effect of PredatorPee on Fido or Fifi or Buster . . .

Q.I am looking for a product to keep deer from eating the flowers out of my pots.  Which of your products would be best to use in flower pots?  Is the recommended product toxic to dogs? Thanks, Susangray_and_white_terrier_looking_up

Q. Hi. We have a problem with rat snakes in a camp house that is in disrepair and has yet to be properly sealed up.
I am interested in buying some of the traps but also wondering if you recommend the fox urine for the perimeter of the house, basement or in the house? Is it effective in deterring them?
We do have a dog though. Is the fox urine bad for dogs?
Thank you, Monica

A. No. Your dog might be a bit curious, but that’s all!
KJ The PeeMan

I love it when I can give a simple answer! No need to fear for your beloved dog.

Until I find more words . . .The PeeMan

Rodents Cause More Than £370m Of Damage Annually To Cars in the UK Alone

Guest Blogger Toby Bateson

Rats are renowned for being highly destructive. They are well known to damage food, clothing and buildings. roof-rat-961499_640They also target machines and computers, including the wiring in your car engine. Repairs can be expensive, sometimes an entire car may need rewiring as a result. For a high end sports car or SUV this can be in the region of £7000.

car-482683_640Research by Hammer Technologies has shown that an amazing 9% of car users in the UK have had their car damaged by rodents at some point. Damage found included chewed pipes, bitten plastic cowling and broken wires and pipes.

The reason they tend to do this is thought to be because their teeth grow constantly throughout their lives. They chew on hard materials such as steel wires in order to wear their teeth down. The warm engines of cars are also thought to attract rats looking for a home.

The survey demonstrated that the average cost of repair came to £300. The total cost of rat damage to cars every year was calculated to be an amazing £377,410,90.

The way this figure was found, if you are interested, is as follows.

In 2013 31 million cars were on the road in the UK, according to official Department of Transport figures. The survey showed an average of 1.86 rat damage events for each person who was affected. Eight of the 33 episodes reported occurred in the previous year.

9% of those surveyed had suffered rodent damage to their cars. The following sum calculates the total cost of the damage. 9% * 31 million cars * £300 * 1.86 episodes per person * (8÷33) episodes in the last year = £377,410,909.

If you have a car make sure you do everything you can to protect yourself. The PeeMan has products which will protect your car from rat damage.  Visit the store  now to get the protection you need.