How to Get Rid of Ants

It probably comes at no surprise to you that ants are the #1 nuisance pest in America.

13406001511715314493ant-hiSo by the time you see a few crawling on top of your kitchen counter,
you can be pretty sure that there are a whole lot more lurking around out of sight.

The first important step in getting rid of ants is to get rid of the things that attract ants. Ants just love the scent of sugar and grease, so be sure to clean up spills, splashes and crumbs as quickly as you can.

 Because ants are team players, they have scout ants that go out and look for food then leave a microscopic pheromone scent trail to the food source for their buddies to follow.

So you don’t only have to remove the food source, you also need to disrupt
the scent trail or other ants will just keep coming looking for food where it once was.

Our PeeMan-approved AntStopper ant repellent products from® is an all-natural blend of essential oils
and fragrances that disrupts the scent trail, stops the ant parade and gets rid of ants for good.

AntStopper is easy to use, all-natural, non-toxic and safe to use around pets and children.