Ask the PeeMan: California Skunks

Hi there, we live just outside of San Diego, California in a little town.  We used to smell skunks once in a while but it’s getting very bad lately.  I came across your website and I’m a little confused which predator pee is best for skunks – would you recommend the fox pee granules?   We have some plants clustered together and it seems like they like to go in there, could we just spread the granules in that area and call it good?   Although it says the granules are recommended for burrowing creatures, should they work for skunks too.  How often do you think we would need to reapply?  Anyway, any guidance would be appreciated.





Yes FoxPee Granules would work fine – skunks like to dig for grubs etc. Reapply after rain – which I understand is not so frequent in So California. Here is the link:

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