Urine for Human Pests? Nope – Skunk’Um!

My wife thinks that I make stuff up. She thinks that some of my ideas are only great in my mind. Well, granted, a few of my ideas haven’t panned out exactly as I may have hoped(that’s for another post) but a question I received from a clever customer this week confirms that the invention of Skunk’Um is a great solution for a real problem. The fact that we have sold hundreds of bottles since it launched doesn’t hurt either. Without further ado . . . it is Ask The PeeMan Wednesday!

Q. I am curious which is the absolute worst smelling urine of all the ones you sell? I am looking for something to spray/place outside my bedroom window to deter people from loitering so I am able to get some sleep at night so I guess my predator would be human.
> Thank you, Amy


A. Amy,

Sorry for the delay – its our crazy season. See Skunk’um – for annoying people at this link: http://www.predatorpeestore.com/skunk-um.html

KJ The PeeMan

As you can see from my response, I have been a little delinquent in responding to my peemail lately. Shipping pee during the busy season and keeping up with the summer farm chores has kept me away my keyboard. Never fear, if you ask the PeeMan a question he will answer – just not as quickly in May, June and July!

Until I find more words . . .The PeeMan


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