Power of Pure PredatorPee – buyer beware of diluted urine repellents


Greetings from the North Woods!

It has been quite a while since my last post, and I really have no excuse except maybe for the fact that summer in Maine lasts only about two months, and every true Mainer(which status I can’t really claim since I was born in NJ)knows that you have to squeeze as much out of it as possible. So, summer projects – boat painting, Scout restoration, gardening, care and feeding of two piglets and 10 hens as well as mowing, mowing and more mowing seem to take up a lot of my time these days.

Today it is raining, and I have unearthed the keyboard in order to reconnect with the blogosphere. My post today concerns the fact that some of the companies out there that sell similar products to those of predatorpee.com, do not have a problem delivering a diluted urine product to their customers. I am not about to name names or sling mud, but I just want consumers to know that this can be a problem.

What is the big deal, anyway? Wolf urine is still wolf urine even if it is diluted, right? Yes, that is true, but according to some research, diluted urine repellents are actually less effective than undiluted urines when field tested against each other. I have included a link to one such study below. If you are the scientific type, you will probably understand it better than I did. But even for a layperson like me, it is pretty clear that the bobcat urine worked very well against woodchucks and voles in its undiluted form and not well when diluted.


So, when you buy predator urine to protect your gardens, yards, etc. this summer, even if you aren’t buying from us, make sure that the product you are purchasing is actually 100% undiluted urine. This will ensure that those unwanted critters go away and stay away.

Hope your summer is going well and your gardens are critter free!

Until I find more words. . . The PeeMan